Millennial Leadership and Life Coach
ICF-PCC Accredited NLP Somatic Coach, Corporate Trainer & Facilitator

Find purpose, fulfilment and success. Unlock your potential, take control and level up your career and life through transformational coaching. 

You are driven, ambitious and want fulfilment in your careers and personal lives. Personal growth, self-awareness, and making a positive impact are important values for you. You may be considering your next career move, developing a side business or working on a passion project but the demands of work and life get in the way of you moving forward with your goals. With so many options and decisions to be made, it often feels overwhelming to start.  

This is where I come in. As a leadership and life coach, I can help you thrive in your career and personal life. I’ve helped people like yourself to:

  1. Achieve work-life balance by developing strategies to prioritize their goals and find fulfillment both in and outside of work.

  2. Overcome imposter syndrome in their jobs and roles by building confidence and developing the skills to overcome this feeling.

  3. Find purpose and meaning in their lives by exploring their values, passions, and strengths to find a fulfilling career or life path.

  4. Manage stress and anxiety by developing coping mechanisms and building resilience to better manage stressors in their lives.

  5. Build healthy relationships both at work and in life by improving their communication skills, emotional intelligence, setting boundaries, and developing meaningful connections.

In our coaching journey we will develop a customised plan that will help you find purpose, meaning, and achieve your career and life goals. We will explore what drives you, what challenges you, and what inspires you. We will work together to overcome your self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and other obstacles that may be hindering your growth. 

My coaching style is tailored specifically to millennials who seek transformational impact.. I use a combination of evidence-based techniques, compassionate support, and a non-judgmental approach to help you achieve your goals. With my guidance, you'll develop the skills and mindset needed to succeed in your personal and professional life.

3 Phase Approach To Coaching

  • Phase 1 :: Clarity

    In the Clarity phase, you will:

    :: Gain self-awareness and align with your strengths, values, and beliefs to empower your growth and success.

    :: Define clear and compelling career and personal development goals that align with your unique vision and values.

    :: Develop a strategic roadmap for achieving your goals, tailored to your specific needs and objectives with practical and actionable steps.

  • Phase 2 :: Thrive

    In the Thrive phase, you will:

    :: Uncover your WHY and gain the motivation to take consistent action towards achieving your goals.

    :: Learn and apply emotionally intelligent leadership skills to build long-term relationships based on trust and collaboration.

    :: Develop positive habits and routines that support personal growth and a healthy work-life balance.

    :: Cultivate a growth mindset and overcome limiting beliefs to achieve authentic success and reach your full potential.

    :: Utilise self-coaching techniques for greater self-regulation and personal mastery, leading to enhanced productivity and success.

  • Phase 3 :: Sustain

    In the Sustain phase, you will:

    :: Cultivate emotional resilience to effectively manage stress and overcome setbacks.

    :: Harness the power of your mind, heart, and intuition to achieve self-leadership and personal mastery.

    :: Motivate and inspire others to learn, grow, and unlock their full potential.

Impact of working with me

By working with me you will achieve:

  1. Progress towards achieving your goals e.g. increasing your income, landing a dream job, or improving your relationships. You have concrete steps that you can take to move closer to your goals.

  2. Improved work performance such as increased productivity, better time management, and stronger leadership skills. You will start seeing tangible outcomes like completing projects ahead of schedule, increasing sales numbers, or receiving positive feedback from your supervisors.

  3. Better work-life balance, work less hours and being able to have more time for hobbies, spending time with family and friends, or pursuing personal interests.

  4. Greater self-awareness such as identifying your strengths and weaknesses, understanding your motivations, and recognizing patterns in your behavior. You will communicate more effectively, manage your emotions better and make better decisions.

  5. Increased overall happiness and fulfillment such as feeling more content with your life, experiencing less stress and anxiety, and having more meaningful relationships. You will feel more energized and engaged, have more positive interactions with others, or experience a greater sense of purpose.

Ultimately, the impact that you see will depend on your goals. As a coach, I will work with you collaboratively to set clear objectives and create a roadmap to achieve your desired outcomes.

Client Testimonials

About Me

Erlina Sidik is an ICF-PCC accredited, certified neurolinguistic somatic coach, corporate trainer, and facilitator who uses a holistic, evidence based approach integrating NLP, somatic practices and emotional intelligence skills to help individuals, teams, and leaders become intentional, courageous, and authentic. With over 15 years of experience managing cross-cultural teams and stakeholders in complex technical industries, she has a deep understanding of the challenges leaders face in today's fast-paced business environment and is able to help clients develop the skills and strategies they need to succeed.

Erlina Sidik - Leadership and Life Coach

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